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Saturday, January 24, 2015

First Members of our New Beaver Scout Colony Invested

1st Consett has successfully opened a new Beaver Scout Colony to cope with the demand for Scouting in the area, and on Monday the first ten new Beaver Scouts officially joined 30 million other Scouts around the World, as they made their promises and were invested in to 1st Consett Beaver Scouts (Steel) Colony.

So far the new Beaver Scouts have taken part in a visit to the planetarium at Hancock Museum for the Space activity badge, and over the coming weeks they are visiting an aircraft museum for the Air Activities badge, the local Tesco to learn about healthy eating, and they have camps planned as well.

Micky and Stu, our new volunteers
The opening of the new colony was made possible thanks to Micky and Stu, who volunteered be our new Beaver Scout Leaders.
Group Scout Leader, Keith Slater, said "Opening a second Beaver Scout Colony is a great achievement for us. Our numbers have been growing very quickly over the last few years, and we were having to turn children away. The new colony means we can ensure that more young people enjoy the fun and adventure Scouting offers".

The group is now seeking adult volunteers to enable it to open a new Cub Pack for 8 to 10 year olds, as the current pack is full to capacity. If you are interested in joining our team of fifteen adult volunteers please contact us: info@consettscouts.org.uk